Grow Your Business
Get Your Life Back

Expand Your Market and Build a Legacy.

Life’s Too Short Not To Have the Business You Deserve

Roundtable Meeting With Business Owners

Are you managing or leading? Are you developing the next generation of leaders? Are you stuck in the business and can’t break through?

New Leaders
New Markets

To achieve this milestone, you’ll need leaders with the drive and skills to break into new markets and run the business without you. You are ready to execute your exit plan and it will be critical to increase business value to fund your eventual transition or exit.


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Develop Leaders

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Master Strategic Planning & Budgeting

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Execute Your Succession/Exit Strategy

Develop leaders to drive growth and performance. You have a Big Vision, requiring leaders who can execute with confidence. Prepare your business and yourself for the next phase.

What Our Clients Are Saying

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Break Through the $20M Milestone.

The Process

Getting to $10M was a big accomplishment, but you still have more to achieve. It’s essential to have a high-performance team to break through the barriers that limit growth and strong leaders to carry out your Big Vision. Expand your market and define your exit strategy with the help of your Portocol Growth Guide. Reach your $20M Milestone.

Exit Checklist: A 5-Step Personal Action Plan

For a successful exit, you need to be able to say a hearty “Yes!” to two important questions:

1. Is your business ready for you to exit?

2. Are you ready to exit?

These are easy questions to ask, but can be difficult to answer, which is why we’ve created a five-step action plan to ensure a happy, lucrative exit from your business.